Melting Pot Melting Pop
Melting Pot Melting Pop is a concept that develops, from 2010, in a series of events in which the protagonists are the stickers. In these occurrences stelleconfuse realizes combo-sticker, using the stickers of the most important sticker-artists worldwide and combining them in huge collages; they are both original Stelleconfuse’s works and a collection of various artists' works. The name of the project, in addition to still based on the world of Pop Art, aims to highlight the sense of unity and community that animates the sticker artists.
Stickers on pvc banner, 200 x 180 cm - Zona Aromatica Protetta (Z.A.P.), Firenze (Italy)
Stickers on pvc banner, 120 x 120 cm - Collective Expo "Art of Vandalism", Brescia (Italy)
20-05-2018 Collective Live Painting "It's a Kind of Magic!", Incanti e Banchi, Castelfiorentino (Italy)
15-04-2015 Collective Live Painting "Giardino Artistico" Pisa (Italy)
Permanent exhibition in the Urban Art Hotel "Street Inn Florence" Firenze (Italy)
Go to linkPermanent exhibition in the Urban Art Hotel "Street Inn Florence" Firenze (Italy)
Go to link"Falling Up" a Graphic 'Sticker' Novel by Jake Gal. Inside the book there is the photo of a my combo and some of my stickers.
Go to link14-10-2017 Collective Live Painting "Bulli di Sapone" Inaugurazione Nuovo Spazio Giovani Fucecchio (FI)
19-07-2017 Collective Live Painting "Vespa" Piazza Caduti per la Libertà, Cascina (Italy)
The Big Heart Sticker Project in french journal "Street Art Magazine" N°3 - Third Quarter 2016
Go to link18-12-2016 Collective Expo on Florence Street Artists: Unity Wandet Street Levels Gallery Firenze (Italy)
7-31/10/2016 Special bananas eaten during the inauguration of the exhibition Z.A.P. (Zona Aromatica Protetta) Florence (Italy)
7-31/10/2016 Sticker Abduction Z.A.P. (Zona Aromatica Protetta) Florence (Italy)
7-31/10/2016 Ufo for Sticker Abduction Z.A.P. (Zona Aromatica Protetta) Florence (Italy)
7-31/10/2016 The First Exhibition of Sticker Art in Firenze Z.A.P. (Zona Aromatica Protetta) Florence (Italy)
16-18/09/2016 Icchè ci vah ci vole Festival Parco di Villa Favard Firenze (Italy)
15-06-2016 Lisa Street Art Gallery Via Sguazza Firenze (Italy)
28/05/2016 Homage to "Ritratto di giovane monaco benedettino" of Giovanni Francesco Caroto Firenze (Italy)
12/12/2015 Cantieri Creativi Firenze (Italy)
06-12-2015 Underpass Le Cure Firenze (Italy)